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Lady next door

She's the famous and loving daughter of a billionaire. One which holds the title the wealthiest man of all time. As the only child, she didn't have a lot of friends. Mainly because she got picked a lot. She liked knowledge, but since everyone was busy, they didn't pay much attention to her. She made a lot of mistakes and is a spoilt kid.

After awhile, she started feeling a sort of rebellious elitism. She said "The world is just making a lot of paper for currency purposes, and yet the people thinks the paper holds greater power for mankind. Which in case not a tree". She started travelling alone early on to discover the beauty of Creation. In fact, it wasn't that she enjoyed it, it was that she liked that feeling.

Because nobody in her family could understand her, she developed an independent spirit. She seems like a strong person but her true feelings are:"I want to always be with someone," She's beautiful and charming.
When it comes to friends, she doesn't care about gender and sex. -She has a lust for conquest:" I want to see people whose talent i recognise going crazy with my touch," also a butch and when she's the femme, she loses her strength.

she has a does not judge a book by its cover. She hates necktie. So her first impression of Nik, who appears to be a little too good at being submissive to people. She was knocked out by the gap between that and nik's talents and passion.

Journal 1: Jun 2020

Where oh where was the bastard? he didn't greeted me at all this morning. Have i done something to upset mister sleeping tiger? I know i didn't. I know where he lived. There are some spare clothing in the wardrobe that suites my taste. I wore it and went to the kitchen, it was amazing, what i see is a new untouched kitchen with marble table and counter tops! After i made myself some kind of food mechanism, i went to his room and jumped to his bed. [and i taught he sleeps a lot] it felt like a new mattress which by the way is stiff like Chuck Norris. The world slowly fades after awhile.


Unknown said…
somehow, the first 3 paragraphs caught my attention, while the others not . . but this is a big improvement from the pasts ! keep up the improvement !
Najwa Elyani said…
nice! love your writing style. *thumbs up*
wow , great writing ~ :D

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