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Canvas 2: Where he stands.

Not too long ago, Aslan was the luckiest boy in the world. It was his nineteenth birthday and his friends
bought him an island near Rome he always wanted as a present. There, the birthday boy saw a large castle which was built for him. He was surprised as he entered the large structure. He was greeted by his fellow friends and family. He was so excited and very much amused. Then a large bang suddenly occurred and the whole world collapse. He was now confused and very much woken from his slumber.

There he was, still thinking about what just happened. He climbed off his king sized bed and went to the lonely kitchen to fetch himself a warm cup of coffee and two slices of freshly baked breads. He sat on his trustee Stressless Kensington leather chair on the balcony. 'A few slurp of coffee ought to do it' said Aslan. He then shalat Tahajjud and waited for the albeit sweet melodies of Adhan to perform shalat Subuh. He went to his private study to finish his research that he needed to present at NASA the following afternoon. Conveniently, he finished his work as he heard the Adhan from a nearby mosque a few miles away from his house. He cleanse himself then went to the mosque to shalat Subuh. He would never missed to pray for his love ones and for the peace of the world to last as the humans discover new things that was given by God Almighty, Allah S.W.T.

Once he finished performing the obligatory shalat, he went to his bathroom and brush his teeth. Then, he wear his favorite shirt, an exclusive blue white stripe turtle-neck UNIQLO combine with a black stained blazer jacket to cover a tall and muscular body of his. He went to work and reaches to the secretive NASA facility at Nevada, United State of America driving his new Lamborghini product named after him- who designed and collaborating it with Humvee and Ferrari. The world first undying power supply and the most anticipated car for 2020.

He was asked by Felix, a marine infantry, who he met everyday when he entered the secret 7th underground facility to give him his identity document for security reason. This particular day amazed him, in his hemisphere shaped office, he received a fax from his undying friend, Nik. Aslan was weird out by how a friend should know the address to his secret office, then he ask his novice to spy on where Nik got the information. After the problem was solved, if there is any, he proceeded to read the fax. He ask gently for Aslan to go to a meeting with him. In the end of the fax, he wrote a group he named Grupo. Aslan went to a Spanish class so he know what that meant. He smiled and lefted his resigning strict face in years. His novice ran in fear when he saw him carving a smile while reading the fax.

A few days after, he went to Carcosa Seri Negara, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia. He was the first to arrived followed by Nik. Nik decided that Aslan should be the secretary. When the meeting is held on 8,00 am. some of the group members refuses to make Aslan their secretary and appointed Lisa. What happened next was a fierce rebuttal in the group and ended by Lisa winning making her the official secretary of Grupo. Aslan, Kamalia and Ridzuan became the treasurer. Amirul and Izzal as the advertiser. Faiz as the CEO and Nik, Azsy, Perven, Kane, Sakshi and a few unidentified members as the board of directors, with Nik which has the highest share. Other members has their own important role such as Humairah and Najwa as the famous doctors and Santiago as the planner.


Anonymous said…
A whole part of islamic reference in the second paragraph. You put an effort to this story?
Anonymous said…
i though Amirul is the singer who debuted in japan? This story lacks emotion tho. But keep up the good work!
N said…
This Story is related :) FYI: Amirl is also a sponser

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